Friday, February 04, 2005

Good Day Sunshine

The sun does funny, very good things to me. I've been so down this past week that I've just wanted to curl up in bed and hide. I check the weather this morning.. 51 today and in the high 50's this weekend, walk outside and I'm basking in the glory of all that is yellow and bright in the sky and I'm suddenly very, VERY happy. (note to self: Buy the friggin' sunlamp that you've been talking about for 15 years. Sheesh!)

If I haven't said this already, FeedDemon rocks! I know I've talked way too much about news/feed aggregators, but I usually spend 2-3 hours a day surfing all the same sites for my update of crap I don't really need to know but read about anyway. I did it this morning in 30 minutes.

It's 11am, guess I'd better get to working for a few hours if I want to get out early and enjoy this fine day!

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