Monday, March 07, 2005

Warm and Bright

73 degrees, the sun is shining, I've ridden the zx-12, I'm eating meat for the 3rd day straight, and 2 new porn DVDs are sitting here in front of me. Today is a very good day.

Watched "Seven". Saw it once before when it first came out. I have a very strong stomach but have been putting off watching this movie again for about a week now because I remember the "sloth" victim as being possibly the most grotesque, pitiful thing I've ever seen.. and yet this time seeing the movie, it didn't bother me at all. It's strange how memory distorts things over time into something very different than what it was. Perhaps it's just TV numbing us to everything though. Watching CSI and seeing 500lb water-bloated men turned inside out makes a lot of things lose their impact.

24 is an awesome show. When the heck are The Sopranos coming back?

I'm getting sleepy.

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