Saturday, January 29, 2005


That's what I feel like today... There's all this stuff swirling around in my head that REALLY wants to come out, but I can't quite string together all the synapses in the correct order to get it to my fingertips.

Freezing rain, sleet, snow, then a little more freezing rain today and now it's about 25 degrees. It's not one of the really bad ice storms that has trees falling through people's roofs, but they thought it was going to be. It's just enough to make going out kinda dangerous and dumb. I think they got it worse to the South as the club cancelled their weekly party tonight.

Isn't it strange how knowing that you have to stay in makes you want to get out SO bad? I sit in this house all day, all week long, and may want to go out, but it's no big deal. Today with the roads being icy, I am just *dying* to get out of the house. I am bored out of my friggin' mind and nothing helps. Today has felt about 3 days long.

I am really looking forward to the day when I have my own hot tub. Tonight would be a perfect night for some soakin'.

I'm thinking about seeing if S&L want to come over since the party was cancelled. They've got the truck, so they might be able to make it (the roads aren't *that* bad.. I don't think). The question - How to entertain? The entertainment center is half apart and at the moment we don't have any movies we haven't seen.. yet another argument for the hot tub. I'm calling them now.

L said the roads are getting really, really bad (10 car pileup at the exit where the club is) and they are going to play it smart and stay home.. but if they get too bored, they may call later.

Looks like another boring night at home. I've played every game on the PS/2 that I like, upgraded the software on my CLT DoD site including fixing photopost, watched 2 movies, surfed until I couldn't see straight, cleaned up my email, even organized my bookmarks. What is left to do? What in the world did we all do before computers, cable and to-your-doorstep dvd rentals, and video games? I remember spending a lot of time as a child watching tv and wishing I had something better to do, but I don't remember being THIS damned bored.

To my readers (if any): Sorry if it seems like I'm bitching a lot this week. 1st week not smoking does that to a person, I guess.

I have very little positive to say, and the thoughts swirling through my mind aren't getting any closer to my fingertips, so I guess I'll stop rambling now.

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