Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The eagle has landed

Went for the flight portion of my BFR (Biennial Flight Review) today and passed. I'm now a fully fledged private pilot again (woo-hoo)!

I've still got a bit of studying to do (doncha just hate re-learning the same thing 3 or 4 times?), and need to practice a few things (nothing I'm doing wrong, just things I could be better at), but I'm legal. I've rented the plane on Sunday morning, so I'll get the practice in then and do the studying over the next week or two (it's several hundred pages).

.. and in my tiny little corner of the world, that's about as good as news can get.


1 comment:

Slutpuppy said...

You bring the seaport and I'll dig up an endorsement!