Friday, February 11, 2005

It's So Hard, Baby!

Sometimes, the hardest part of writing a blog entry is trying to come up with an interesting title.

Ok, perhaps not. Maybe it's coming up with interesting material.. yes, that's definitely the hardest thing (and I know 'difficult' is a more suitable word to use, but 'hard' makes for a more interesting title, thus solving problem #1. So there! :P ).

For the sanity of the dedicated readership that expects to see something here every day, I offer you the following:

- News Aggregators rock, and I'm going to try to be quiet about them now.

- There is some kick ass new technologies coming out, such as ultrasound for stereos; complete pinpoint audio: Sit in bed and blow your eardrums out while your mate sleeps in complete silence. I wish I could find the link to the article. :/

SlutPuppy, out.

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